JSON Binding

Microbule includes JSON binding support using the Google GSON library. For example, consider the following JAX-RS service:

public interface PersonService {

    Person getPerson(@PathParam("id") String id);

    void addPerson(Person person);

which uses the Person class:

public class Person {

    private final String id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public Person(String id) {
        this.id = id;
    // Getters/Setters...

Microbule allows you to implement your service using this simle Java-based API:

public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService {
  private final PersonDao dao;
  public PersonServiceImpl(PersonDao dao) {
    this.dao = dao;
  public Person getPerson(String id) {
    return dao.findById(id);
  public void addPerson(Person person) {

Furthermore, clients using your service can use Microbule-generated type-safe proxies and simply code to your service interface. Microbule will take care of all of the JSON serialization/deserialization automatically. When calling the addPerson() method, for instance, Microbule will generate the following JSON request body:

  "id": "12345",
  "firstName": "Mr.",
  "lastName": "Microbule"

Likewise, when calling getPerson(), Microbule will generate the the JSON response body using the same format.

Customizing GSON

By default, GSON can do a pretty good job transforming your objects to/from JSON. There are some times, however, when you will want to customize how GSON handles certain types of fields. In order to do that, you must implement a GsonBuilderCustomizer:

public interfac GsonBuilderCustomizer {
  void customize(GsonBuilder builder);

When a GsonBuilderCustomizer is detected by the MicrobuleContainer, it will be used to customize the Gson object used by Microbule. Feel free to check out the GSON User Guide for more information on how you can customize GSON.