
Microbule will automatically manage the Cache-Control headers for you. Each method annotated with @Cacheable will yield a Cache-Control header. For example, consider the following method:

 @Cacheable(maxAge = 600)
 String getValue();

When executed, the Cache-Control header will contain:


Microbule will also manage the ETag and Last-Modified headers for you. You can provide these values by using a JAX-RS Response object:

 public Response createResponse() {
   return Response.ok("payload").lastModified(new Date()).build();

or by injecting a ResourceState object, using the @Context annotation:

  public class CacheResourceImpl implements CacheResource {

      private ResourceState resourceState;

      public String getValueWithEtag() {
          return "payload";

When an ETag or Last-Modified value is provided, Microbule will check the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers correspondingly. If the resource is up-to-date, Microbule will return a “No Content” (204) response.